An aerial view of Outlack Quarry taken May 2001

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Quality Policy Statement



Quality Objectives

It is the policy of W.J. & H. Crozier to operate a Quality Management System in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001:2000 and National Highway Sector Schemes 13A, "Supply & Application of Surface Dressing to Road Surfaces", and No. 14, "Production of Asphalt Mixes".

The overall objective of the policy is the provision of a quality orientated work environment for employees and customers. The company is committed to the concept of continual improvement and will use the Quality Management System as an improvement tool.

The overall objectives of the company are as follows:

bulletTo ensure that the products and services provided meet and indeed exceed the expectations of their customers;
bulletA commitment to continual improvement in quality management.

The company will set and monitor specific improvement objectives to assist with the achievement of these overall objectives.

All employees are required to understand, implement and maintain the ethos of the company's policy statement. This policy statement will be reviewed on an ongoing basis to ensure that it is continuing to reflect the requirements of the company.


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Send mail to gareth@crozier.ie with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: 10/20/05